Samstag Abend waren Sara und ich in DC unterwegs, war echt super schön - und ne lange Nacht! Im Dunkeln ganz alleine am Capitol zu sitzen - das Capitol selbst hell erleuchtet - unter einem orange-leuchtenden Himmel: wunderschön!
Pentagon this Sunday with Sara, Emelie and two other swedish girls: sightseeing. After meeting at the White House we headed to have some lunch, really yummieh. Nevertheless Sara and me already saw the Arlington Cemetary we went there again and the other girls took a look around. Arriving at the Pentagon the sun was already setting but it was still very nice to look at (although we weren't allowed to take pictures of the building itself...).
Saturday night Sara and I headed downtown, ending up in front of the beautiful capitol of the United States. We had it all for ourselves, enlighted bulding, orange sky. That's Amerika, babe!
Sara und ich bei H&M
Himmel über Washington
Pentagon Memorial 9/11
Emelie and me :)
1 Kommentar:
iwie funktionieren manche bilder nich =( aber was man sieht macht neidisch =/ gebe dir natürlich sofort bescheid :) was machste eigl. in den staaten? au pair?
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